No More Cake


Bro Pro

So now that our event is posted and stickied, i figured it’s time for you to get a chance to know everyone. We have a crew bios posted at the website; this is the unofficial version. I’ve been planning this post since the 3am diner dinner we had on Rt 22 about a month ago. img_0040

First and foremost, we have our Director, Kali. He also wrote this current project, as well as many of our projects that we hope to do eventually.


This kid has been my best friend for like 20 years now and he’s been obsessed with movies for at least half that. By far the most opinionated person and that’s saying a lot considered I’ve lived with Grimes and Louro for 2 years. However, the stubbornness and drive boils down to vision when he’s working on his film and I think it will make for great art.

Next, we have our Assistant Director, James or Brent, depending on when and where you met him.img_0042

A talented actor with the most mainstream and traditional work experience out of our group. He’s not only going to work directly with our actors but is also going to make sure that our film won’t piss off anyone in Hollywood.

He also won’t laugh at any of my jokes.


Below we have Paul and Leighton, producer and cinematographer respectively. All four of these kids went to Temple University and have worked together before, which really makes the company that much stronger.

It’s not official yet, but Paul (on the left) is undoubtedly going to be the Executive Producer on this. The most money minded out of anyone, he’s dealt with all the budgets and numbers, not to mention he founded the company, Brotherhood Productions LLC. His second that I know of.


Leighton and I have similar styles regarding clothes, sneakers and parties. We’ve also both make poor snap decisions regarding all three. However, I’ve never heard him sound so sure of something as he does when he is discussing cameras, lenses or film stocks. Way more sure then when we discuss whether its worth driving 30 minutes for a party of unknown quality, which always ends up as a Yes and only sometimes is the best decision.

Since this dinner, we’ve added an Art Director as well as having another managing partner, but since I don’t have any pictures of them at the moment, they won’t be shown in this commemorative 150th post. Nonetheless, Teri and Rich are vital parts of the team and I’ll be sure to include them soon.

On another note, I’ve got tons of random pop culture ramblings that I want to get to in the next week or so. Stay close.



  1. what about you, what you doing?

    Comment by whoknewsue — 03/31/2009 @ 12:36 pm

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